Nangeri Effoe Dioh

Founder/ CEO

Ngale Charles

Human Resource Officer

Mbala Fisseng Fabrice

Legal Adviser

Adah Kelvin Abachilluvem

Human Resources Team

Ferdinand Takang

General Coordinator

Tegum Amstrong Tegum

Project Coordintor

Ikome Stephen Melono

Head of Communication Unit

Kuimi Kamgwa Katiane

Assintant Legal Advicer

Bezeng Dejoline Aweh

Digital Marketing Team

Anzambe Beripearl Satigang

Digital Marketing Team

Molombe Solomon Molombe

Project Coordinator

Effoe Yove

Canada Coordinator

Enanga Efome

Head of Volunteer Unit

Lorraine Ebenye Becke

Head of Accounts Unit

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